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Thursday, November 13th, 2008

“She had the eyes of someone ancient, someone whose experience had implanted both knowledge and sadness.”

I own a small temp agency and have being doing this for over twenty years.  Last week I had an experience I will never forget.  And one thing is very clear:  I will never be able to understand or explain what happened.

Her name is Marge and she walked in the door unannounced and without an appointment.

Marge is about forty years old, about 5’4″ tall, slightly stocky but with a very appealing presence.  She explained she had just moved to California from back East, and she was just settling in to her new life with her longtime boyfriend.

Marge sat down before I had a chance to tell her she needed an appointment, and I immediately had the impression that she was different.  Different in the sense that the look in her eyes was unlike anything I had ever seen.

It was a kind of “all-knowing” look.  She had the eyes of someone ancient, someone whose experience had implanted both knowledge and sadness.  And when she began to talk I was absolutely mesmerized by what she had to say.

She told me fascinating stories about her childhood.  Her father had been a missionary in Africa and was killed by a raiding party in Kenya when she was only a child.  She was then raised by an aunt because her mother never recovered from the violent death of her husband.

And her tales of her life with her aunt was fascinating because she explained that her aunt had remarkable powers of ESP and that many of these powers had been “transferred” to her.  By this she meant that she, too, could read minds and know exactly what someone was thinking.

Actually, when she told me this I was wondering what my wife’s reaction would be when I told her what I was now hearing.  To my surprise, Marge blurted out:  “She will think I’m crazy.”

I said, “What did you say?”  Marge replied: “Your wife will think I’m a nut.”  Well, that left me with no doubt whatsoever that Marge does, indeed, have the gift of ESP.

She went on to tell me other things that crossed my mind during our conversation, such as guessing correctly the names of two of my three kids’ names.  And something about my childhood that was very personal – which I don’t care to reveal to anyone else, not even my wife.

I’ve never had an experience like this before.

Two days ago, I was able to place Marge on a work assignment and I have very high aspirations for her.  She is an exceptional person.

C. Torres
Chico, CA

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Thursday, October 23rd, 2008

“It is unnerving knowing she can see what I am envisioning.”

I work for an advertising agency as a copywriter and I want to relay my experiences with a graphics artist that never fail to astonish me.

Her name is Angel, and she is truly an angel.

The way we work it here in the office is I’m given an assignment, usually a product for which to create an ad.  I’ll write the copy than arrange a meeting with Angel so she can do the artwork.

Our mission is to create an ad or ads that people will be drawn to and remember.  When I first sit down with Angel, I am usually geared up to present her with my ideas, but most of the time she simply picks up on my thoughts and starts sketching ideas that I have in my mind.

I don’t know how she does it, but time after time she usually hits it on the mark.  She has the ability to climb inside my head, and it’s both fascinating and unnerving.

One minor problem is she is quite beautiful and sexy, but we stay careful not to get personal as our company has strict policies about “extra-curricular” activities.  The problem, of course, is sometimes I can’t take my eyes off her and she knows exactly what I’m thinking.  I mean to the last detail, if you know what I mean.

It has happened more than once when I have a vision of the two of us in a compromising position, and she has whispered in my ear, “Nice thought but forget it buster.”

Fortunately she has a good sense of humor, but it is unnerving knowing she can see what I am envisioning.  It helps in creating an advertising campaign but embarrassing when I’m thinking of “other” things.

B. Andrews
White Plains, NY

Thursday, September 25th, 2008

“I think she’s kind of proud of my ‘gifts.'”

Ever since I was a youngster, I have had this thing about watches, clocks and any kind of timepiece.

I suppose I’m fascinated by time and that’s why I’m writing you.  Wherever I am, whatever I’m doing, I can guess what time it is almost to the exact minute.  It’s a trait I’ve had since I was a kid, and I’ve never met anyone else who had the same ability.

Also, I’ve never owned a watch.  Even when I was in college I never bothered to have one because I knew exactly when I was due in class.  I didn’t need a watch to remind me.

I also am quite adept at reading minds.  My mother still gets mildly upset with me because I can’t resist finishing her sentences for her.  I also tell her what’s on her mind even when we first get on the phone.

Last week as soon as I heard her voice I told her that she was upset with a specific person.  She is so used to me doing this, she just laughed.

She and I are on the same wavelength I suppose, although she can’t read my mind.  That’s the frustrating part of it for her.  But she does have a good sense of humor and I think she’s kind of proud of my “gifts.”

And one more thing.  Several years ago, my roommate was distressed because she hadn’t heard from her brother in quite awhile.  Without my ever meeting him, I knew exactly what the problem was.  He had lost his job and was embarrassed to tell her about it.  When she called him that is exactly what he told her.  Somehow I had picked up on his wavelength through my association with his sister.

H. Jacobson
Akron, OH

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Thursday, August 21st, 2008

“I am a gifted psychic and I can read minds with ease.”

My profession is representing sportswear companies and my territory spans up and down the West Coast.

I have been blessed with what I call a special talent.  In effect, I am a gifted psychic and I can read minds with ease.  This is why I feel I’ve been so successful on the sales end.  Put simply, I can see the wheels spinning in my customer’s mind and because of that I am prepared in advance for anything they decide to throw at me.

For instance, when I’m on the phone, I can tell beforehand if a person is really interested or is shining me on.  I can also tell how hard a bargain someone is willing to drive; that is, I know when someone will walk away from a deal or is merely trying to get a better price out of me.

All this helps me in my negotiations, and it also enables me to have better relationships with my clients.  They see me as someone who sympathizes with them because I am able to read their minds, know what they want, and smooth the way.

I also am somewhat of a gambler, and visit from time to time in Las Vegas or Reno.  I love poker, and you can imagine how I have a certain amount of one-ups-man-ship in that I have above average instincts as to whether a person is bluffing or not.  And that is a huge advantage for me.

I haven’t made a fortune in gambling, but I am way ahead of the game.  I feel I have been blessed with psychic talents and I don’t feel it’s right to translate these powers to a card table.  So I do partake in poker, but to a reasonable extent.

J. Hillinger
Newport Beach, CA

Thursday, August 14th, 2008

“I’ve had to rely upon other strengths, namely my unusual psychic powers.”

I have been into sports since I was a kid, and because I lacked the ability of a star player, I’ve had to rely upon other strengths, namely my unusual psychic powers.

When I entered high school, I realized I’d never make the varsity.  I decided to retire my cleats and go over to the management side.  To my pleasant surprise, I discovered I liked coaching, and better yet, I was good at it.

At first, I assisted the manager.  I was the water boy, then the first base coach, then I’d sit next to the manager in the dugout and learn from him.  But where I really stood out was my ability to project the future.  I had an uncanny ability to know the exact pitch a base runner would choose to steal, or when a pitcher was going to throw a fastball or curve, or what the opposing manager planned to do.

When I went to college I decided to apply my psychic abilities in other areas as my interest in sports began to fade somewhat.  I realized I was amazing at picking stocks, and even at the racetrack I always came out ahead.

I’m married now, and my wife is used to my “gift.”  She accuses me of reading her mind and taking advantage of her.  And I plead guilty to that.  But she’s a doll and she brags about me to her friends.  I’m a lucky guy.

M. Tillson
Vancouver, Canada

Thursday, December 27th, 2007

“I’ve learned that Samuel applied his psychic talents to make his fortune.”

I met Samuel in college.  He was handsome and dashing, with a wicked sense of humor.

He and I dated for most of our sophomore year, but he dropped out after that semester and I never saw him again.

I would hear rumors that he was betting heavily on the commodities market in Chicago, and making a bundle, but beyond that I knew very little about his whereabouts or his personal life.

Then, about a year and a half ago, a good friend of mine told me he had sat next to Samuel on a flight to Seattle where Samuel had a home.  Turned out Samuel had several homes according to my friend, but what interested me most was the story how Samuel made his fortune.

When Samuel and I knew each other, he had always impressed me with his ability to “look around the corner.”  He could literally “see” what was going to happen in the future.  Not everything, of course, but a lot.

For instance, he would tell me where the stock market was going, whether up or down; and he was rarely wrong.  Now some people just have a good sense of economics, but with Samuel, it was a lot more than that.  He had intuition and foresight that I had never seen before or since.

Samuel could also delve inside my head, telling me things I had never revealed to anyone.  And that, I felt, was an extraordinary gift.  He would laugh and tease me, and sometimes I was amused.  Sometimes, however, I felt embarrassed.

So, after all these years, I’ve learned that Samuel applied his psychic talents to make his fortune.  And I’m happy for him.  And, no, I haven’t tried to get in touch with him again.  I hear he’s happily married and drives his wife crazy by reading her mind.

S. Golden
Arlington Heights, IL