Archive for » 2010 «

Tuesday, May 18th, 2010

“She had never seen him like this and didn’t think he was coming back.”

I don’t know if I’m psychic or not, but I’ll tell you something that happened to me a month ago that could not possibly be attributed to coincidence.

I was in my car driving to work when I suddenly had the urge to call a friend of mine, Cal, whom I hadn’t spoken to for awhile.  Cal and I had been pretty close to one another for at least twelve years, but since he remarried it seems he’s been preoccupied with his new bride.  And I don’t blame him, Nina’s a beauty inside and out.

But this day, I simply felt the need to hear his voice.  I didn’t know why, but the urge to call him was irresistible.  I punched in his number on my cell phone, switched it to “speakerphone,” and waited for him to answer.

The response wasn’t at all what I had imagined.

Nina answered and I could tell from her voice she was badly shaken.  I asked what was wrong, and she said Cal and her just had a knockdown, drag-out fight after which he stormed out of the house.

I assured her that all couples get into it once in awhile, but she said she had never seen him like this and didn’t think he was coming back.  I told her I would see what I could do.  But when I hung up I realized I didn’t have a clue as to where or how to get in touch with him.

You see, Cal is one of a vanishing breed that refuses to carry a cell phone.  He is a very fortunate guy who made his fortune early on, and he spends most of his days reading, exercising or taking in a movie.  Unless he is home, getting in touch with Cal is virtually impossible.

But as I continued driving to work, I kept having this vision of Cal sitting on a bench on a parkway overlooking the ocean.  I knew that parkway, and had a hunch he was there.  I made a U-turn to see if my vision was correct.

Five minutes later, I was parking my car when I saw the bench that was in my vision.  But no Cal.  I was surprised that I didn’t see him, and started to drive away.  But something told me to get out of the car, which I did, and I went over to the bench and sat down.

I stared at the ocean for a bit, then I felt a hand on my shoulder.  Without looking up, I said, “Cal, what the heck do you think you’re doing?  Nina is the best thing that’s ever happened to you.”

That’s how positive I was that my vision had been true.  And it was.  Cal sat down next to me, confessed he had been drinking and had blown a simple disagreement way out of proportion.

I immediately dialed his number and when Nina answered I handed the phone to Cal.  Well, the poor guy apologized for the next ten minutes.  I had to get back to work, so I urged him to go home and make up in person.

That’s my one-in-a-million psychic story.

Alexander Drovner
Santa Monica, CA

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Tuesday, May 04th, 2010

“She possesses paranormal abilities that will serve her well in the future.”

I have a little toddler named Jamie.  She is the light of my life, and at the ripe old age of six months, I realized she “sometimes” had the ability to read my mind.

As with most babies, if I smiled while I held her she would smile back.  But with Jamie I soon found that if I kept a poker face and thought of something bad, she would frown or look puzzled.  But when I thought of something happy and joyful, yet still keeping the same poker face, she would almost always smile.

I demonstrated this to my husband who kept a sharp eye on my demeanor to make sure I was keeping a straight face, and he couldn’t believe his eyes.  And when he tried it, he elicited the same response from Jamie.

My little girl is now a couple weeks shy of two and a half, and I think she may have a few other psychic attributes as well.  For instance, when I come home with the groceries, I place my hand inside the bag, feel around for something, and then I ask her if I’m holding the milk carton.  She’ll either shake her head or nod.  I’ll do that with several more items, and I admit it’s something she and I love to do.  Her success rate is close to seventy percent, which is significantly higher than the law of averages.

I don’t think Jamie will grow up to be a world-class psychic, but I do believe she possesses paranormal abilities that will serve her well in the future.

Alicia Lopez
Valencia, CA

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Tuesday, April 20th, 2010

“I was devastated that day at Heathrow when we said goodbye.”

It was September, 2005 and I had just returned from a trip to Europe.  I had been gone the entire summer, and although I was glad to be back and get on with my life, I had mixed emotions because I had left Linda, the woman of my dreams.

Let me explain.

Linda was living in London, and we had met accidentally in a busy pub one Friday night.  We hit it off immediately, and I could tell by her face that she was really into me.  For the next several weeks, we were inseparable.  She had a part time job and every spare moment was spent with me.

But Linda told me she had no intention of leaving London and coming back to the states.  As I am at a place in life where I want to settle down and raise a family, I was devastated that day at Heathrow when we said goodbye.  Linda made it clear that although she loved me, there was no way she would compromise.

Tears were streaming down her face (I was controlling mine), but she was resolute, and that was that.

I spent the next month job hunting.  The European trip had been a present to myself after voluntarily leaving a job that I held for twelve years.  But Linda was never far from my mind.  In fact, this is why I’m writing you.

I believe in the power of positive thinking and that most of us possess psychic ability to one degree or another.

Although Linda and I had agreed not to write each other for fear of dragging out the agony, each night I meditated and silently called out to her to reconsider and come back.  Night after night after night, I envisioned hearing a knock on the door and upon opening it, there she stood, suitcase in hand, and a look in her eye that said I’m yours.

Well, I admit it didn’t happen exactly that way.  But she did come back six months later.  And the first thing Linda did was call me from the airport to ask me to come and get her.  When we finally laid eyes on one another, she said she had heard my pleas night after night and she repeated precisely the same words I had used.

Jesse Kelter
Covington, KY

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Tuesday, April 06th, 2010

“I pick up on the thoughts of my brother who lives three thousand miles away.”

When I was nine years old, I was seriously injured on my bike when a car sideswiped me.

Unconscious for several days, I awoke in the hospital and couldn’t remember a thing.  Fortunately, the only long-lasting physical problem is I walk with a slight limp.  But I believe something happened to me during those days of unconsciousness because ever since I’ve had a sort of sixth sense.

Although I can’t predict everything that is going to happen, I do have special insights into certain things.  For example, when the airplane went down in the Hudson River in New York, I had a premonition in a dream the night before.  I could see people streaming from the plane onto life rafts and could see that the shoreline was nearby.  I could also see the skyscrapers in the distance.

Long before President Obama decided to run for office, I envisioned a young thin black man addressing a pool of reporters while standing behind a podium affixed with the presidential seal.  And behind him were seated his wife and two young children, both girls.

Sometimes I pick up on the thoughts of my brother who lives three thousand miles away on the other side of the continent.  I’ll call him up afterwards and tell him what he was thinking.  This never fails to startle him.

We are only two years apart, but it is as if we had been born identical twins.  We look alike, think alike and are in the same profession, dentistry.  However, he doesn’t have the premonitions or ESP that I have.

Donnie Schoof
White Plains, NY

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Tuesday, March 23rd, 2010

“I had a strange feeling that someone or something was watching.”

I have always believed that sometimes spirits of the dead kind of “hang around” until they finish some sort of unfinished business.  And I always hoped that I would experience it for myself because it seemed so exciting.

But my experience in a cabin my folks rented on a northern Wisconsin lake last summer exceeded my wildest expectations.

I had just graduated high school and was getting ready to go off to Boston College, so the trip was kind of a graduation present.  Nothing was unusual when we brought our bags in from the car, and my sister and I playfully fought for who got the cushier bed.

We rented a small motorboat in the afternoon and found the lake to be reasonably quiet and quite beautiful.  After a very nice dinner at a local restaurant, my sister and I climbed into our separate beds in the same room.  Our folks were in the second bedroom, and we were all tired from our first day’s adventures.

When I turned off the lights, I had a strange feeling that someone or something was watching.  I mentioned this to my sister who immediately freaked out and started peeking out the window to see if someone was there.

I explained that I wasn’t afraid of someone stalking us from the outside, but rather from the very room we were in.  My sister, Marlene, just looked at me, turned over and said something derogatory about my intelligence and wondered why a fine school like Boston College would admit me.

Then the “fun” started.

I awoke when I felt a tug on my blanket.  I was half asleep and mumbled to my sister that she should stop messing around.  When Marlene didn’t answer, I realized she was asleep and I let out a small scream.

Marlene sat up and asked what was wrong.  When I told her, she said that she also had felt something tug on her nightgown  but thought it had merely been part of a dream.

Well, we didn’t get much sleep the rest of the night.  In the morning, when we told our folks what happened, my mother turned white.  She said she had experienced the same thing but was too embarrassed to tell our father.

We mentioned this to the manager of the cabin, and he said it had happened to him numerous times ever since he bought the cabin.  He referred to the intruder as “The Playful Ghost.”

Christi Mikan
Milwaukee, WI

Tuesday, March 09th, 2010

“I kept shouting in my mind, ‘lie down, lie down'”

My wife and I were taking a walk in the neighborhood and we were stunned when we came across an unnerving sight.

Two youngsters were hovered over an apparently injured dog and they summoned us over to help them.  The Golden Retriever was lying on its side without an apparent injury.  He was able to raise his head, and typical of his breed, he licked anyone who tried to pet him.

But something was wrong because he wasn’t even trying to get up.

Then a passing car screeched to a halt, and a woman jumped out of the car.  “Sampson, Sampson,” she shouted as she rushed over to the dog.  “Oh I’m so happy I found you.”

And at that moment, the dog leaped to his feet, and you could almost see the joy in his face.  I explained to the woman that Sampson had refused to get up, and we didn’t know what was wrong with him.  She replied that Sampson had run off when the gardener had accidentally left the back yard gate open.

She went on to explain that she knew when a dog was lost it had a tendency to run and run until it was exhausted.  And the dog could end up tens of miles away from home.  “So,” she went on, “I kept shouting in my mind ‘lie down, lie down,’ with the hope I could silently communicate with him.”

I would have been skeptical had I not witnessed the event with my own eyes.  It was the most amazing thing I had ever witnessed.

Gary Emanuel
Las Vegas, NV

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