Thursday, June 19th, 2008

“Her predictions were right on the nose.”

Margaret Mitchell (1900-1949) was born in Atlanta, Georgia which is the setting for her bestseller Gone With the Wind, a story of the Civil War.  The film starred Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh in 1939.

When Mitchell was writing the saga, she said the story was revealed to her in bits and pieces, often as if it were an out-of-body experience.  “Things would pop into mind that I had never considered, and it was as if I had a professional writer at my beck and call inside my head.”

Mitchell also recalled an incident in which an acquaintance who was known for her insight and intuition had foretold of the book’s success years before it was written.  According to Mitchell, this woman could pick your brain and tell you things you didn’t want to know about yourself.”

Mitchell described the woman as extremely bright and someone who could talk to the spirits.  “She told me things about myself I had told no one.  And I had never met anyone like her before or since.”

When the book became an instant success, Mitchell recounted that by this time her friend has passed away.  “But I’ll never forget her words of encouragement during the long, long months it took me to write it.  She would tell me things that would transpire once I achieved fame and glory, and her predictions were inevitably right on the nose.

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